
General => The Cantina => Topic started by: Aske on October 11, 2009, 05:01:06 PM

Title: 60 Minutes on Afghan War
Post by: Aske on October 11, 2009, 05:01:06 PM
interesting interview... and footage

supposedly the US will now take a zero tolerance policy on civilian casualties at our own expense to "win the hearts and minds"

also interesting that the biggest heroin and maryjane fields are built around some manmade creeks/etc  that were built by US foreign aid decades ago.

Title: Re: 60 Minutes on Afghan War
Post by: MFAWG on October 11, 2009, 06:10:21 PM
The creation of one of the world's largest 'NarcoStates' has been ignored by the (supposedly) Librul Media AS WELL AS The Right Wing Noise Machine.

Look at the dollars involved. Do you think anybody wants to *fudge* around with that much FREE MONEY floating around?

supposedly the US will now take a zero tolerance policy on civilian casualties at our own expense to "win the hearts and minds"

'Collaborators'. Anybody with brown skin AND a funny hat will now be referred to as a 'Collaborator' or 'Suspected Terrorist'.