
General => The Cantina => Topic started by: dystopia on September 08, 2010, 11:32:08 AM

Title: Dance Dance Execution
Post by: dystopia on September 08, 2010, 11:32:08 AM

Study of Men Dancing Reveals Moves Ladies Love
Using computer-generated avatars, psychologists say they have unlocked the dance moves that will capture a woman's heart. Apparently the speed of a man's right knee and the size and variety of movements of the neck and torso are key, they suggest.

Throughout the animal kingdom examples abound of males performing courtship dances, attracting females with displays of health and skill. Dances are ****y among humans as well, and scientists wanted to codify what moves ladies like to see in men.
He added: "We now know which area of the body females are looking at when they are making a judgment about male dance attractiveness. If a man knows what the key moves are, he can get some training and improve his chances of attracting a female through his dance style."


"The hardest thing is to recruit males to take part," Neave told LiveScience. "They seem rather reluctant to sign up for studies that involve dancing."

Male avatars reveal the dance moves that ladies like, including moves with more twisting and bending of a guy's knee and larger head and torso movements.