
General => The Cantina => Topic started by: Aske on November 20, 2008, 12:36:51 PM

Title: [Politics/Religion] Merkans finally getting a brains
Post by: Aske on November 20, 2008, 12:36:51 PM

this isn't intended to be a con/lib flame.  simply that it's good to see many cons realizing the bill of goods chimpy mcbu$h and the rest of the neocon agenda has sold them.

Title: Re: [Politics/Religion] Merkans finally getting a brains
Post by: Fuzzy on November 20, 2008, 01:08:27 PM
The center is where most reside. I think the word "conservative" is being used by the left much like "liberal" is used by the right.

I know a number of  "conservative" democrats and "liberal" republicans. What I have found is the opinion that the republican party has been abducted by the cultural right (re: Base) and I think that is the source of much of the disapproval. Whenever a party moves (or is perceived to have moved) too far to the fringe it gets whacked.

The ballot measures in various states on election night were a reflection of the far right being rebuked. Well, except for the gays. It seems no one wants them married or adopting kids.

Title: Re: [Politics/Religion] Merkans finally getting a brains
Post by: tdcoly on November 20, 2008, 02:45:27 PM
What I have found is the opinion that the republican party has been abducted by the cultural right (re: Base) and I think that is the source of much of the disapproval. Whenever a party moves (or is perceived to have moved) too far to the fringe it gets whacked.

Huckabee ( says basically the same thing.

"Faux cons"FTL

Title: Re: [Politics/Religion] Merkans finally getting a brains
Post by: Clive on November 20, 2008, 03:05:28 PM
Maybe he should tell them to "faux coff".

Title: Re: [Politics/Religion] Merkans finally getting a brains
Post by: 1puttpar on November 20, 2008, 04:01:44 PM
Maybe he should tell them to "faux coff".

 [sm_laughatyou]  +1

Title: Re: [Politics/Religion] Merkans finally getting a brains
Post by: MFAWG on November 20, 2008, 06:26:59 PM
I think the word "conservative" is being used by the left much like "liberal" is used by the right.

I think 8 years of Epic Fail by the most 'Conservative' administration to come down the pike HAS to enter into this equation.

That said, I take your point:

There's a difference between 'Conservative', and  'So Called Conservative Radical RightWingnut'.

Title: Re: [Politics/Religion] Merkans finally getting a brains
Post by: MFAWG on November 20, 2008, 06:30:47 PM
Sonofabitch if Huckabee isn't coming on Rachel Maddow right now to discuss this very topic.

Serendipity FTW!

Title: Re: [Politics/Religion] Merkans finally getting a brains
Post by: hobbit on November 20, 2008, 06:31:37 PM
I've been mad about the direction the party took for longer than 8 years.  Glad to see some are catching up.

P.J. O'Rourke had a pretty good rant as well - We Blew It (

Title: Re: [Politics/Religion] Merkans finally getting a brains
Post by: MFAWG on November 20, 2008, 07:14:10 PM
Well, that was disappointing.

You've basically got a bunch of people running around saying:

'The Party would be better off if it got rid of everybody that doesn't think like me'

The intelligentsia (The Late William F Buckley Wing) and the Big Money say to cast The Base off, The Base is pointing out that they're the ones that did all the work (Huckabee actually said : 'Who do you think is going to volunteer to answer the phones?'), The Libertarians all ditched for Ron Paul and disappeared completely.