
General => The Cantina => Topic started by: Aske on May 09, 2010, 08:43:48 PM

Title: [Politics/Religion] I'll take 2nd term killing decisions for $1000
Post by: Aske on May 09, 2010, 08:43:48 PM

holy fail obama

Title: Re: [Politics/Religion] I'll take 2nd term killing decisions for $1000
Post by: MFAWG on May 10, 2010, 07:09:23 AM
Why is this a fail, other than the gay thing? Oh, and the 'OMGSHEHATESTHEMILITARYBECAUSEOFTHE14THEAMENDMENT!' wharrgarble beginning in 5-4-3-2-1.

Title: Re: [Politics/Religion] I'll take 2nd term killing decisions for $1000
Post by: Aske on May 10, 2010, 07:26:57 AM
Why is this a fail, other than the gay thing? Oh, and the 'OMGSHEHATESTHEMILITARYBECAUSEOFTHE14THEAMENDMENT!' wharrgarble beginning in 5-4-3-2-1.

Well, I'm going on this which I admit I haven't had time to really follow up on since...
Please correct me if the general conclusions are "updatable"
that replacing Stevens with Kagan risks moving the Court to the Right, perhaps substantially to the Right (by "the Right," I mean:  closer to the Bush/Cheney vision of Government and the Thomas/Scalia approach to executive power and law).

no thanks.  between the spineless failure to capitalize on controlling congress and not making the public acutely aware of the filibuster-into-submission BS , this potential epic fail in the making, etc

Now, does that mean I'm some fool that believes 100% of campaign promises/posturing, rainbows and unicorns etc?  No.  However, when you have political capital, you should cash it in.  The last year hasn't seen it really.  He's (and congress) are being FAR too moderate given the election results they were given.   With the economy continuing to struggle, a seriously ramped up rhetoric campaign against them, etc, a demotivated base, I could see the D's losing control of the senate this year, easily.   And if that's the case, they're going out having done what?   


Title: Re: [Politics/Religion] I'll take 2nd term killing decisions for $1000
Post by: MFAWG on May 10, 2010, 07:34:12 AM
The court already has a 5 to 4 'Conservative' majority, does it not?

I'm not buying that she's all that 'Conservative', either.