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« on: August 08, 2007, 01:46:26 PM »


Beyond his alleged steroid use, Barry Bonds is guilty of the use of something that confers extraordinarily unfair mechanical advantage: the “armor” that he wears on his right elbow. Amid the press frenzy over Bonds’ unnatural bulk, the true role of the object on his right arm has simply gone unnoticed.

As a student of baseball – and currently a mechanics consultant to a major league baseball team -- I believe I have insight into the Bonds "achievement." I have studied his swing countless times on video and examined the mechanical gear closely through photographs.
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Re: Discuss.....
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2007, 02:05:56 PM »

Whether it is a successful satire of the steroid frenzy or if his argument has merit?

"The apparatus is hinged at the elbow. It is a literal "hitting machine" that allows Bonds to release his front arm on the same plane during every swing. It largely accounts for the seemingly magical consistency of every Bonds stroke."

Isn't his elbow hinged at the elbow?  And as far as I know his elbow only hinges one way, so I don't get it.
 The apparatus locks at the elbow when the lead arm is fully elongated because of a small flap at the top of the bottom section that fits into a groove in the bottom of the top section. The locked arm forms a rigid front arm fulcrum that allows extraordinary, maximally efficient explosion of the levers of Bonds' wrists. Bonds hands are quicker than those of average hitters because of his mechanical "assistant."

I also believe his elbow locks when fully extended.

3) When Bonds swings, the weight of the apparatus helps to seal his inner upper arm to his torso at impact. Thus "connected," he automatically hits the ball with the weight of his entire body - not just his arms - as average hitters ("extending") tend to do.

With or without the mock turtleneck?

4) Bonds has performed less well in Home Run Derbies than one might expect because he has no excuse to wear a "protector" facing a batting practice pitcher. As he tires, his front arm elbow tends to lift and he swings under the ball, producing towering pop flies or topspin liners that stay in the park. When the apparatus is worn, its weight keeps his elbow down and he drives the ball with backspin.

So he doesn't hit pop flies or linedrives with topspin in games?

5) Bonds enjoys quicker access to the inside pitch than average hitters because his "assistant" - counter-intuitively - allows him to turn more rapidly. Everyone understands that skaters accelerate their spins by pulling their arms into their torsos, closer to their axes of rotation. When Bonds is confronted with an inside pitch, he spins like a skater because his upper front arm is "assistant"-sealed tightly against the side of his chest.

Just total BS as Bonds doesn't hit the inside pitch as well as he did earlier in his career.  He likes the ball up and away. 

6) At impact, Bonds has additional mass (the weight of his "assistant") not available to the average hitter. The combined weight of "assistant" and bat is probably equal to the weight of the lumber wielded by Babe Ruth but with more manageable weight distribution.

Again, sleeves or no sleeves and how much do the batting gloves weigh?  Probably has lead tape in them. Roll Eyes

I'm pretty sure this dude is joking but it is funny regardless. 

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Re: Discuss.....
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2007, 02:42:09 PM »

Does he play rounders?
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Re: Discuss.....
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2007, 03:07:02 PM »

Does he play rounders?

LOL.  That takes me back a LONG way. 
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Re: Discuss.....
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2007, 03:21:22 PM »

You could probably make the same style of argument about his (or any athlete's) shoes, uniform, etc.   
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